Zirconium Crown Cost Turkey - Emax Veneers
Tooth Cap In Antalya, Turkey

Trust – Honesty – Experience
Hurma Dental – Turkey

What is Zirconium Crown?

Zirconium is a highly resistant metal with natural white color and aesthetic feature, which is non-allergenic, and eliminates the disadvantages of metal substructure crowns.

Porcelain Veneers are veneers with the closest hardness and appearance to natural teeth. Due to their fragile structure, their resistance to chewing force is insufficient. Instead, metal-supported crowns were used. However, although the metal substructures of these crowns are strong, their light transmittance is not at the desired level, and they cause allergic reactions.

Here, zirconium crown is an procedure that eliminates this situation. Compatibility with living tissues, durability, light permeability, and no odor in the mouth make zirconium advantageous.

Thanks to the CAD / CAM (computer-aided design and production) technologies in recent years, both time savings are provided, the desired durability and colors are obtained, and costs are reduced.

What are the advantages of having Zirconium crown?

We can list the advantages of zirconium crowns as follows;

It can be applied at any age.

Does not cause gum recession.

It has high compatibility with tooth tissue.

It has high light transmission properties.

It does not cause problems in the gums.

It is also applied to those with metal allergies.

It can be used on both anterior and posterior teeth.

It is lighter than metal substructure crowns.

It is quite robust and has high resistance.

It does not contain any metal alloy in its structure.

They give the closest aesthetic appearance to natural teeth.

An unnatural metal appearance does not exist in zirconia teeth.

There is no metallic taste sensation that occurs in metal crowns.

Since there is no rust, there is no bad breath.

Since the thermal conductivity is low, sensitivity formation is not seen much.

Since the rasping of the teeth is less, the natural structure of the teeth does not deteriorate.

Teeth can be covered in a way that is not noticeable from natural teeth.

Since it is white, there is no gray color change experienced in metal-supported crowns.

Since the crown surfaces are smooth and shiny, cigarette stains, plaque, and tartar formation are not observed.

The zirconium tooth does not have a matte and artificial appearance, which occurs due to the metal color reflection of metal-supported crowns.

Metal crowns have hot-cold sensitivity due to thermal conductivity; Since conductivity is low in zirconium, this sensitivity does not exist.

Which teeth are Zirconium crown applied to?

Zirconium crown is applied in the following cases:

In split or crooked teeth,

In old fillings whose structure is deteriorated,

In cases where the teeth are turned,

In excessive material losses in the teeth,

To have an aesthetically beautiful appearance,

After unsuccessful teeth whitening procedures

Zirconium crown procedure is applied.

Who needs help to apply Zirconium Crown?

It is recommended to be applied at 18, in case the jaw bones continue to develop and there may be gaps when the crown is done.

How is Zirconium crown done?

As with all veneers, the first thing to do is to carry out oral and dental examinations of our patients by our dentists. With this examination, it is determined whether our patient has caries, broken or missing teeth, and gum problems in his mouth. If our patient has a problem in this direction, these problems are compensated for. Once these issues are resolved, we can move on to the second stage.

In the second stage, photographs of our patient’s teeth and the inside of the mouth are taken, and mouth and tooth measurements are taken. By looking at these photographs and measurements transferred to the computer, we decide with our patients which teeth we will apply the veneer to and the color and size of the veneers. After this decision, we send the measurements and color options to the laboratory. It will take 3 – 5 days to produce the desired crowns in the laboratory.

After we send the measurements, we make a very fine abrasion on our patient’s teeth to be veneered. After the abrasion, we put on temporary veneers so that our patient can continue his daily life and not experience discomfort.

When our lab-produced crowns arrive, we rehearse them on our patients. If there are any problems, these problems are fixed. After the problems are resolved and satisfaction is ensured, bonding our veneers to the abraded teeth with extremely strong adhesives is started. This is an essential step because the minor mistakes will cause future crowns problems.

What are the types of Zirconium Crown?

The types of zirconium dental veneers are:

Procedures of Zirconium crowns:

It is applied to a single tooth. It contains white metal and has a natural appearance.

Procedure on Zirconium implant:

It is done to capture an actual tooth image on the implanted tooth.

Procedure of all on four systems on zirconium implant:

It is the placement of 12-14 zirconium teeth on four implants:

Zirconium smile design

It is a process applied to bring the tooth’s color, shape, and structure to the desired level.

Zirconium laminated veneer

It is a method in which tooth rasping is done very little, and the veneers are very thin.

The most widely applied dental veneer procedures are zirconium crown. Zirconium crown can be applied to all teeth and is recommended for a single tooth.

What should be considered after Zirconium Crown?

After the zirconia teeth is done, you should pay attention to the following points:

Avoid acidic foods.

Sticky and hard foods should also be avoided,

The mouth area should be protected from possible impacts,

Do not do anything to force your mouth,

Avoid extremely hot and cold foods,

Go to the appointments given by the dentist,

Some patients may experience adaptation problems after zirconium crown. You will soon get used to it,

If there is pain after the treatment, you can use painkillers recommended by your dentist,

At the end of the treatment process, the patient can consume the foods he wants, provided that he pays attention to the above-mentioned issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Zirconium Crown Prices in Antalya ?
It is the most preferred type of crown among crowns. The prices of zirconium crowns vary depending on the number of teeth to be veneered, the amount of material to be used in the veneer, the quality of the material, other treatments to be performed during the procedure, the clinic, and the experience of the dentist. The best in this matter will be given as a result of the examination to be made by our dentists.

To learn our current prices,contact us.

Turkey always offers more affordable prices than Europe in terms of health, and this price is valid for zirconium teeth. While a single tooth’s zirconium treatment in Turkey is 150 – 200 €, this figure varies between 500 – 1.000 € in Europe.

Since zirconium crown procedures are performed under local anesthesia, pain is not felt during the procedure. During the procedures, local anesthesia is applied because tooth filing, broken tooth treatment, gum treatment, and even filling will be done when necessary. Some patients may experience mild pain after the local anesthetic’s effect wears off, which can be prevented with painkillers recommended by our dentists.

What is Empress Dental Veneer?

Appearance is very important for the first impression in bilateral relations. One of the most important parts of our appearance is our teeth and smile. A beautiful and aesthetic smile increases one’s self-confidence. Our self-confidence is an important factor affecting our social life.

Along with the developing technology, there have been innovations in dental aesthetics. Various aesthetic methods have emerged for those who want to get rid of crooked, crooked, yellowed teeth and have an aesthetic and symmetrical smile. One of these methods is E-max Veneer (empress Veneer). It is mostly used in anterior teeth where aesthetic expectations are high. Our dentists will paint the computer-generated design on your teeth.

It is a Veneer method made with unique ceramics to give the person a natural smile. Although it is a metal-free Veneer method, it has a strong structure. It gives a translucent appearance; its naturalness is due to this transparent feature. E-max Veneer, which is mainly made for aesthetic purposes, contains zirconium, lithium disilicate, potassium oxide, lithium dioxide, and quartz. Thanks to the zirconium in the Veneer, the durability of the Veneers increases, and thanks to the lithium disilicate, the light transmittance increases, and the teeth gain a natural appearance.

What are Crowns?

Crowns are materials used to cover teeth and can be used for aesthetic purposes and to protect the tooth.

Crowns consist of:

Crowns made of stainless steel,

Metal crowns containing gold, platinum, and base metals

Crowns containing metal fused with porcelain,

All-resin crowns made of resin,

Crowns made of full ceramic/zirconia material provide a perfect color match (E-max Veneer is also used)

A dental veneer is the empress veneer, which is the most preferred veneer by dentists in the world. The reason for this preference is that it is a full ceramic material, and it both gives strength to the teeth and is used in teeth undergoing root canal treatment.

What are the advantages of E-max Veneer?

As with all Veneer methods, the E-max Veneer method has its advantages. We can list them as follows;

Our teeth gain an aesthetic appearance.

It is especially applied for anterior teeth where there is an aesthetic expectation.

Due to its high light transmittance, it does not appear matte; the teeth gain a natural appearance,

It ranks first among the materials used for dental aesthetics,

Although it is a metal-free Veneer, it gives strength to the teeth,

It is a glass-ceramic material, resistant enough to chewing force,

Since it can be applied very thin, very little filing is done on the teeth, it does not cause tooth sensitivity,

Does not cause any allergic reactions,

It is a method that interferes less with the teeth,

Gaps in the tooth are closed,

It creates a smooth and slippery outer structure,

Prevents the formation of dental calculus due to its slippery outer structure,

There are quite a lot of color options,

Does not damage the tooth structure,

It has high retention,

Although the material is thin, its strength ability is quite good,

It is applied with a CAD CAM system (computer-aided production).

In the CAD CAM system, the patient’s mouth measurement is taken with cameras connected to the computer. This system is extremely safe since it has a micron (one-thousandth of a millimeter) margin of error.

Which teeth are Empress Veneers applied to?

We can list the teeth where this treatment can be applied as follows;

Broken teeth for any reason,
Congenital or acquired crooked teeth,
Yellowed teeth,
Teeth with a missing protective layer,
Damaged teeth caused by eating disorders,
Teeth that have been exposed to negative habits such as tea, coffee, smoking, excessive sugar use,
Premolars with decreased ability to exert force,
Teeth that have been restored and need aesthetics,
Teeth with defects in the enamel layer,
Teeth whose appearance has deteriorated as a result of wear,
Worn teeth due to aging,
Teeth with pulp desensitization,
Teeth with formation defects in the enamel layer due to excessive fluoride intake,
Tetracycline (a kind of antibiotic)-induced discoloration of the teeth,
Teeth that are not in the normal tooth order,
Teeth that lost their whiteness and changed color as a result of root canal treatment,
It is within the scope of this procedure.

In which cases is Empress Veneer not applied?

We do not recommend e-max Veneer in the following cases;

We look for strength properties in veneers to be made on molars. Because molars fulfill their functions by using force as required by their duties. Since the E-max Veneer does not contain metal support, it is not resistant to this strength. For this reason, it is not recommended to do it on molar teeth.

It is not applied to patients with too many missing or broken, cracked teeth, and it is not applied to teeth with implant treatment and metal support.

After root canal treatment, this treatment is not applied to teeth that have metal pivo (small nail-like material placed in the root canal in teeth that have decreased in size) added.

How is E-max Veneer done?

As in other veneer procedures, in this method, first of all, our patients should be examined by our dentists. As a result of this examination, whether there are any broken, rotten, or cracked teeth should be checked. The decayed teeth should be filled, and the necessary treatments for broken and cracked teeth should be completed.

A very thin layer is etched over the teeth in the second stage. This fine etching is unique to the E-max Veneer method and is a feature that distinguishes this Veneer from other Veneers. After the abrasion is completed, dental measurements are taken by our dentists with precise measurements. In some cases, measurements can be taken with the CAD CAM method. The measures taken are sent to the laboratory by our physicians. This session takes about 30 minutes. At the end of the session, a temporary dental veneer is placed so our patient can continue his normal life.

Glass porcelain veneers without metal support are produced in the laboratory within 3 to 5 days and delivered to our dentists.

Plaques placed on the patient’s teeth temporarily by our physicians are tezted against situations such as biting, chewing, and speaking. If there is any problem resulting from the test, it is sent back to the laboratory for correction. The veneers, whose deficiencies are corrected in the laboratory, are delivered to our dentists again.

The veneers received by our dentists are adhered to our patients’ teeth after the final controls, and the treatment is terminated.

What should be considered after Empress Veneer?

As with every Veneer, hot and cold sensitivity may occur after E-max Veneer. Attention should be paid to the consumption of hot and cold food and beverage.

Sticky and hard foods should not be consumed. (These foods may cause the Veneers to move from their places.)

The mouth area should be protected from traumas to which it may be exposed.

Care recommendations recommended by our physicians should be followed, and appointments should not be neglected.

Frequently Asked Questions

While determining the E-max Veneer prices;

Number of teeth to be applied,
The quality of the material to be used,
Demands of the person,
State of the clinic,
Experience of the dentist,
Other actions to be implemented
Are taken into account. Because the same procedures may only be performed for some patients, the most reliable price information will be given after the examination by our dentists in our clinic.

Our patients are most afraid of the pain that may occur in this procedure. Since the tooth surface is lifted very little during the E-max veneer, there is little or no pain. This makes our patients happy. However, in pain, this situation can be prevented with local anesthesia.

If there is no need for a different procedure during the procedure, it is completed between 1-3 sessions. This means a time between 7-10 days.

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